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Hi, There you can download APK file "Slickdeals" for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 V free, apk file version is 5.55 to download to your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 V just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us

Description of Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
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  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
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  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
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  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
  • Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
Description of Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts (from google play)

Interested in saving money? Discover and share great shopping deals, coupons, discounts, & promo codes every day with Slickdeals!

Reap the rewards of the largest deal-sharing community, and never pay full price while shopping again. Easily see today's best deals & coupons, lowest prices, and top discounts at your favorite stores & retailers. Download the Slickdeals app now to discover savings for everyday needs and special purchases.

• Slickdeals’ deal catalog is updated around the clock - shop hundreds of new freebies, deals, price mistakes, coupons, and discounts every day.
• Saving money is easy when you have 12 million other deal hunters seeking the best deals, promo codes, and coupons at your favorite stores.
• Looking for something in particular? Set a Deal Alert and we’ll notify you when a new deal is shared to our community.
• Can't get enough? Browse our deal forums to stay up to date with the newest deals & coupons.

1. Our deal savvy community members find, post, and share deals, coupons, discounts, and promo codes
2. Every deal gets vetted by the community through a voting system. Our promo codes and coupons get verified by a dedicated coupons team
3. Good deals get moved up to Popular Deals (pro tip: this is where you can find the hidden gems)
4. The best Popular Deals are screened by our Deal Editors to be considered for the Frontpage
5. The best of the best deals are promoted to the Frontpage. Only a fraction of all deals make it.

• Slickdeals strives to offer comprehensive coverage of the most popular shopping deals, discounts, coupons, promo codes and promotions for thousands of different stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, & more. We have a dedicated team that works around the clock to seek out, post and verify the offers we present to consumers.
• In the last 20 years, Slickdeals has saved online shoppers over 6.8 billion.
• Slickdeals is the eighth largest online shopping destination in the U.S. - there’s no shortage of coupons, promo codes, and deals from all your favorite stores.

"Highly recommend to anyone trying to save money" - Jose L.
"Honest user ratings, reviews, opinions and advice. This is legitimately the best community on the web." - Micah B.
"Slickdeals is the first place I go to see what bargains are out there; Only issue I have is self-restraint; I find myself picking up things just because the deals are so great!" - Rob B.

Have suggestions, issues, questions?
• Send us an email at android@slickdeals.net
• Your feedback will help us make Slickdeals the best shopping deal app.
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• Please take a moment to rate our app.

Stay in touch:
Website: www.slickdeals.net
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/slickdeals

Version history Slickdeals: Deals & Discounts
New in Slickdeals 5.55
Various bug fixes and improvements.
New in Slickdeals 5.53
Various bug fixes and improvements
New in Slickdeals 5.47
In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized performance.  Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!
New in Slickdeals 5.46.1
Thanks for using the Slickdeals App! We strive to be a one stop destination for all of your shopping needs by delivering new features and improving performance with each new release.

In this version, we've updated the style of our deal cards to go full width and increased the size of the images.

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.45
Thanks for using the Slickdeals App! We strive to be a one stop destination for all of your shopping needs by delivering new features and improving performance with each new release.

In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized performance. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.43
Thanks for using the Slickdeals App! We strive to be a one stop destination for all of your shopping needs by delivering new features and improving performance with each new release.

In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized performance. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.42.1
Thanks for using the Slickdeals App! We strive to be a one stop destination for all of your shopping needs by delivering new features and improving performance with each new release.

In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized performance. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.37
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.35
In this update, we optimized the article carousel within our browse tab and fixed bugs. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.34
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.33
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.32
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.30
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.29
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.28
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.27
Black Friday is around the corner and Slickdeals is prepared to help you find the best deals! Click on the Black Friday banner and browse the most popular deals, ad scans, plus catch up on the latest Black Friday news. Don't forget to set your deal alerts so you never miss out on a deal this holiday season.
New in Slickdeals 5.25
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.24
• You can now easily post a deal within the app! Check out the new post icon in the navigation and share your best deal finds with the community.
• You can now also share great deals from other apps directly by pressing the share icon and selecting the Slickdeals app.
• To make posting deals easier for you we moved the profile icon to the left of the search bar and still includes all the same information.
Happy deal hunting! For any feedback please reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.23.2
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.22.2
In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized for performance. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.21.2
In this update, we fixed bugs and optimized for performance. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.20.1
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs specifically around the coupon section and adding deal alerts. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.19
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.18.1
In this update, we optimized performance and fixed bugs for the app. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases!

Happy deal hunting. For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.17.1
We're back at it with another update!

• Improved Deal Detail call to action button
• Updated Tool Tip content
• Fixed usability issue with the category tab

Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases! Happy deal hunting.

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 5.15
We're back at it with another update!

• Magic link password code went from 4 to 6 characters to help increase security.
• Fixed usability issue with the search bar

Stay tuned for new features in upcoming releases! Happy deal hunting.

For any feedback, questions, or concerns, reach out to us at android@slickdeals.net
New in Slickdeals 3.6.1
What's New:

• Added new Voice Search functionality!
• Added Sound, Vibration and Light controls for push notifications
• Cleaned up comment UI
• Added handling for GDPR

Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.10
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.9
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.7
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.6
Black Friday has now come to the main Slickdeals app! We have added the full Black Friday experience to the app this year so you can see the latest ad scans, set alerts and build out your shopping list.• See ad scans right when they're posted to take advantage of Black Friday deals.• Get Black Friday Deal Alerts and get notified instantly the minute a deal is made available so you don't miss out.• Use the shopping list so that you can keep track of the products you'd like to buy.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.4
Black Friday has now come to the main Slickdeals app! We will be adding the full Black Friday experience to the app this year so you can see the latest ad scans, set alerts and build out your shopping list.Take advantage of our ad scan alerts and deal alerts now so you can see which deals that might be of interest to you before Thanksgiving rolls around.With our Deal Alerts you can get notified instantly the minute a deal is made available so you don't miss out.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.3
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a few users from commenting, giving rep or replying correctly.• Improved app performance and squashed some small bugs.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.2
• Fixed an issue causing some users to see blank pages.• Improved app performance.• Squashed some small bugs.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5.1
• You can now adjust your email settings from the app.• Article pages now appear with proper formatting in the app.Thanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.5
* Fixed an issue where deals were not loading for some users* Removed Local Deals* Updated app support for newer Android devicesThanks for all your great feedback! We're always improving our app for you – keep sending us your comments and suggestions to android@slickdeals.net.
New in Slickdeals 3.4.3
You asked for it and we listened...Private Messaging is here! You can now view, compose, and reply to all of your personal messages from the Profile tab.• “Favorites” list is now called “Saved,” but otherwise remains the same• No longer displaying long ads that were showing for some users
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